
Because I don't do social media.

Euro Millions Key Generator

A better random key generator!

tl;dr; Check out Euro Millions Key Generator.

A while ago I was reading about Large Numbers Law and probability, and came across a blog post with some information about how to generate better sets of random numbers that had more possible values (though not higher probability of winning, as that's the same for any key or set). I eventually found that same logic for Euro Millions, specifically.

Since I don't gamble at all, I was keen on coming up with a way to generate the numbers, and having enjoyed working with Deno a lot, it seemed like a nice fit. After a few hours, Euro Millions Key Generator was born!

Like my most recent tools, I started it from my Simple Deno Website Boilerplate and it was a pleasure to build it, and really easy.

I also wanted it to have some sense of "is it worth it?" to it, and so I decided to store all keys that are randomly generated, and then check all past results to see if there was ever a match. Probability makes it difficult to happen until I've generated hundreds of thousands of keys.

Basically it has stored all the previous Euro Millions results, and I've got a cron running that adds any new results every week, and that cron checks if there's any matching key.

It would be amazing if that would generate the key for someone to win Euro Millions, and if that happens, I'd love to learn about it, so it can ruin my perception of probability!

I hope you enjoy it.

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