
Because I don't do social media.

Zen Cron and BlogInMail have new owners

I'm focusing on privacy-first and ideally end-to-end encrypted products, like Budget Zen, Loggit, and Padloc.

tl;dr; I've sold Zen Cron and BlogInMail because I'm focusing on privacy-first and ideally end-to-end encrypted products, like Budget Zen, Loggit, and Padloc.

Every now and then comes a time where we need to put things in perspective and adjust our focus. As someone who's been practicing minimalism since 2013, I get to do that frequently in both my physical and digital worlds, and now came the time to reduce the number of personal products I'm managing/building/growing.

The hardest part was that I still personally used both Zen Cron and Budget Zen, and Zen Cron was very recent (I released it in April of this year!), but in the end, I wanted to focus my growth efforts on one or two products at most, so I went with the ones which allow me to access less customer data, and which are more privacy-focused and end-to-end encrypted.

The products were sold to separate people, through a dedicated platform, and no customer data was sold in this process. All customers were notified of this change and given options to be transferred over, to terminate their accounts, or to export their data for alternatives.

While I can't promise anything, I hope the new owners will improve the products and have them reach bigger audiences.

Thank you for your attention and kindness. I really appreciate it!